
Showing posts from January, 2013

How I lost 12 lbs in a month?

Are you thinking of losing weight? This picture of mine is dated 09th January 2013, yesterday afternoon after i asked my kids to take a few shots of me as a memory for my holidays in Cameroon. Yeah yeah I'm still here :) The fourth of December 2012, i landed at Douala International Airport with 155 lbs. Before i left South Africa though I was already thinking I should lose a few pounds to feel less tired. How did I get to 155 in the first place? As I'm really fond of Yoghurt, I ate  a hell lot  before my trip -  don't even ask me how many? hehe-. So much I can't remember, within which I was adding dried fruits like grapes, bananas, pineapples with caramelized oatmeal. Also, driving too much, had reduce my time for what I usually did  whenever i got time that is "Walking". I set it on my mind first that I have to lose weight by the beginning of the year. I only started putting my desire into action when I arrived to Yaounde.  So what change