
Showing posts from 2014

I Made It To A Year!

Happy 1st Year Natural  Its official, I'm a "Fro Lady"! I know I should have posted this a while ago, but I was buried in nappies and poo and pee everyday :). I'm a blessed woman, mom to another beautiful baby girl. I did the big chop last year with the absolute determination to stop applying any kind of chemicals on my scalp and I'm very happy I made it to more than a year now. At first, I had zero knowledge of how to take care of natural hair, then gradually it happened to be the easiest thing I ever done. How do I care for my new growth? The main products I use are unrefined Shea butter mixed with palm kernel oil which is just like coconut oil. Other stuff I occasionally add are: - Egg yokes - Essential eucalyptus oil - Avocado fruit As food, I would pick carrots and eat them raw, spinach, cucumbers and ... That works for me.  You can do it! What about my routine? My daily routine is to apply shea butter and

Touriste, comme on devrait l'être.

Muriel Robin au Cameroun J'ai d é couvert une vid é o aujourd'hui qui m'a laiss é e émue et sans voix. En plus de cela, j'ai pris du plaisir  à  d é couvrir une dame d'un charme... ahhh les mots me manquent. Elle est extraordinaire cette "Muriel Robin". Le documentaire en question parle de sieur Frédéric Lopez qui emmène dame Muriel Robin en Afrique pour un séjour au coeur de la forêt équatoriale, à la rencontre de celles et ceux qui la peuplent et tentent de la préserver. Au Cameroun, le pétrole, les ressources hydrauliques et le bois sont les principales richesses. Muriel Robin fera ainsi la connaissance de Bertin Tchikangwa, docteur en sociologie et responsable d'un parc national où vivent les pygmées Bagyeli. La mission de Bertin Tchikangwa consiste à trouver un juste équilibre entre la préservation de la forêt et son exploitation par l'homme. Voici le genre de documentaire que j'aurais souhaiter voir diffusé sur nos chaines na

Pregnancy Symptoms: "Yeast Infection"

A vaginal yeast infection is an irritation of the vagina and the area around it called the vulva. It's normal to experience a significant increase in vaginal discharge during pregnancy. In fact, an increase in a thin, milky, mild-smelling discharge is so common it has a name: leukorrhea or even the overgrowth of a normal vaginal fungus called Candida albicans. Yeast infections are a common complaint among pregnant women. The pH level in the body is very delicate, and during pregnancy, the yeast and acidic levels can easily become imbalanced leading to an overgrowth of yeast. This imbalance is usually the result of the increase in hormone levels and changes in diet that occur during pregnancy. Common signs you're having a yeast infection Symptoms may include: Itchiness, irritation, soreness, burning, and redness in your vagina and labia (and sometimes swelling) An odorless vaginal discharge that's often white, creamy, or cottage-cheesy Discomfort or

Pregnancy Symptoms: "Constipation"

The inability to pass stools becomes more prevalent as your baby grows. This is because of the extra weight being placed on your intestines. Many practitioners recommend prenatal vitamins with added fiber to help things move along but does that only solve the problem? Actually, like most pregnancy symptoms, it does serve a purpose (besides making you uncomfortable). Here's how: During pregnancy, the hormone progesterone causes the smooth muscles of the large bowel to relax, making them sluggish and allowing food to hang around longer in the digestive tract.  The upside: There's added time for nutrients to be absorbed into your bloodstream, allowing more of them to reach your baby. The downside: what amounts to a traffic jam for waste products, with nothing going anywhere anytime soon. How to avoid constipation during pregnancy?  What I did was: Drink 250 ml to 500 ml (warm or cold as you desire) as soon as I wake up before anything else Depending on my m

Pregnancy Symptoms: "Heartburn"

Many women get heartburn during pregnancy. Heartburn is a burning feeling in your stomach, sometimes rising up to your throat.  It occurs when the valve between the stomach and the food pipe (esophagus) are unable to prevent the stomach acids from passing back into the esophagus. Pregnancy can increase the frequency of heartburn because the hormone progesterone causes the valve to relax. This allows the stomach acid to pass into the esophagus and irritate the lining. How pregnant women feel about it?  "Pregnancy heartburn is seriously the worst and the STRUGGLE IS TOO REAL",  or "I've eaten too much again for lunch.... I have heartburn ... help! Worst thing about pregnancy has to be the heartburn!" and again "After this pregnancy, I hope I never, ever get heartburn again. EVER!" Even for women who have never experienced it before in their first pregnancy, heartburn may occur for the first time in their next ones while they are pregna

Black and White: Why not?

Carole's Birthday I know, I know it's been a while but first tell me what do you think of the new design of my blog? Hope you're mood today is as happy as Pharrell Williams in his song :"Happy" (I love that song :) Just wanted to share few photos I took a while ago with you guys and to let you know am back and will thrive as much as I can and as long as my back allow me to update. Windy day got my glass door broken This is what happens when you underestimate the power of the wind in Fall. My glass door is broken and my landlady thinks she can put this on me, no way: "Sorry Ma'am, this is nature's fault" Sunday chilling state of mind If only we could totally put that phone away to relax ohhh... Anyway, procrastinating with the people we cherish around is the best of all feeling during weekends. Have an awesome week y'all, catch you later :) Aevermint

"La rose du royaume"

"Ceci est un Conte d'Afrique, un conte du Cameroun. Bonne lecture  à  tous et surtout n'hésitez de le lire  à  vos enfants" Dans un royaume, vivait une jeune fille qui s'appellait "NTOKOMBO".  Elle était la fille la plus belle du royaume et sa beauté était d'une telle grandeur qu'elle pouvait empêcher des guerres rivales entre frères, entre royaumes. Sa beauté était d'une grandeur surnaturelle qu'elle reçu le pouvoir de faire tomber la pluie ou de l'arrêter lorsqu'elle voulait. De faire briller le soleil en plein minuit lorsqu'elle avait envie de se baigner. Mais la belle "Ntokombo", surnommée la rose du royaume n'avait pas la chose la plus simple, la chose la plus naturelle à savoir l'amour. Eh oui, personne, du plus brave guerrier au dernier poltron, personne n'osait venir demander sa main. C'est alors qu'un jour la belle fille se décida de percer le mystère et alla donc chez