
Showing posts from October, 2012

Aevermint ring1

Tada.... What do you think this might be? huh? try again? Alright let me provide you with some answers and you'll let me know: 1. Pearl ring 2. Silver decorated ring 3. Diamond ring 4. Transformers ring lol 5. None of the above Well, all I will say for now is that it was a gift that came as a surprise, oh yeah a real one from you can imagine who lol Perfect size for my tiny fingers. Don't stress i can share it with you, just ask and I'll email it hehe :) I like rings even though i don't wear them often because they represent a symbol of something no matter what that thing is for me. And this one for sure, has its own story... Aevermint

I love my hairdresser styles!

I met Sandrine few months ago and now i can't get enough of her wonderful work in styling african hair. She's incredible! She's a young, gorgeous and talented woman and am so happy to have met her. I couldn't just kept such creativity and gift to myself so i told her am gonna make her work go public :) How do you find this design? I LOVE IT!  I would personally recommend this one for work and summer season, your head can breathe and you won't be stressed to style up in the morning before you go out. By the way, i t's called "Passe-m è ches or rajouts" in French. So how many of you will try this in the near future :) 'cause i definitely will!!! Aevermint

Mon ancienne maison

Qu'elle etait belle! J'aimais bien prendre des photos de moi meme dans le jardin, ou juste me promener et sentir le vent me raffraichir les pommettes. Elle est pleine de souvenirs cette demeure. Des souvenirs que je n'oublierais pas, surtout que j'y ai vecu avec des personnes toutes plus charmantes les unes que les autres et qui a certains moments m'ont fait plus rire que pleurer :) A quoi est-ce que je ressemble bien sur cette photo? Hmm, a vous de me dire. Elle est pas belle la vie? lol Aevermint

"Welcome to my blog"

Hey guys, discover little me, a young woman that can be silly at times, but also passionated about photography, music and tourism. I love experiencing different cultures, lifestyle and cooking. It can be really fun you know, try it you won't be deceived ;) Hope you'll enjoy and appreciate every new posts by me. Enough said! Enjoy :) Aevermint