I Made It To A Year!

Happy 1st Year Natural 

Its official, I'm a "Fro Lady"!

I know I should have posted this a while ago, but I was buried in nappies and poo and pee everyday :). I'm a blessed woman, mom to another beautiful baby girl.

I did the big chop last year with the absolute determination to stop applying any kind of chemicals on my scalp and I'm very happy I made it to more than a year now.

At first, I had zero knowledge of how to take care of natural hair, then gradually it happened to be the easiest thing I ever done.

How do I care for my new growth?

The main products I use are unrefined Shea butter mixed with palm kernel oil which is just like coconut oil.

Other stuff I occasionally add are:

- Egg yokes
- Essential eucalyptus oil
- Avocado fruit

As food, I would pick carrots and eat them raw, spinach, cucumbers and ... That works for me. 

You can do it!
What about my routine?

My daily routine is to apply shea butter and kernel oil on wet hair right after my bath. On cold/Winter days, I wrap my hair in a silk scarf. at night and may or may not wear a cap during the day. When Summer comes, I only wet my hair twice a day.

Also, I considerably reduced getting my hair done. What I mean is I can spend a whole month without cornrows, braids, twist nothing. I just let my hair be and stick to my routine.

Combing only occur once and that is when am washing my hair and when the conditioner has been previously applied. Please note that the comb is wide tooth to avoid unnecessary breaks.

After all that, I realised I significantly have few breaks and my hair is really growing strong and healthy. Oh, and it loves water. Its just as if water is the main food for 4c hair type. Don't be lazy, drink more and apply some on your hair and you'll notice a change after a month or so.

Am not done typing this, its quite late so I'll continue editing tomorrow.



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