Black and White: Why not?

Carole's Birthday

I know, I know it's been a while but first tell me what do you think of the new design of my blog?

Hope you're mood today is as happy as Pharrell Williams in his song :"Happy" (I love that song :)

Just wanted to share few photos I took a while ago with you guys and to let you know am back and will thrive as much as I can and as long as my back allow me to update.

Windy day got my glass door broken

This is what happens when you underestimate the power of the wind in Fall. My glass door is broken and my landlady thinks she can put this on me, no way: "Sorry Ma'am, this is nature's fault"

Sunday chilling state of mind

If only we could totally put that phone away to relax ohhh... Anyway, procrastinating with the people we cherish around is the best of all feeling during weekends.

Have an awesome week y'all, catch you later :)



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