Shop for a soccer boot for nearly 2 hours tutorial

Hello everyone.

Today I'm going to share with you a curious and funny experience I had with my hubby at the Adidas store.

We left home to shop for goods to finally have him driving to shop for a "soccer boot". He likes sport, especially soccer.

Here he is at the shop and as I mentioned in my facebook profile, there are 6 steps to shop for a shoe of that kind from a man perspective:

Step 1: Among several shoes on the shelves, find the one that suit your eyes.

Step 2: Not so sure of your finding, take a sit and google. Then, go back to the shelves and check the names on the price tag.

Step 3: If the first one did not meet your requirements, look for another one and inspect it all over.

Step 4: Time to try "the shoe" on yourself for the perfect size match.

Step 5: Nooo, still not the perfect item, google some more and if you can, call your friends to listen to their experience on that "shoe" you are intending to buy to avoid "heartbreaks" lol

Step 6: Ok, the choice is finally done. But before I leave with the "shoe" let me google a little bit more, just for fun after 1h and 45 mins.

Meanwhile, if you ever brought someone to shop with you, you can always tell her to get busy taking pictures of herself or the all store why not? lol

... And they say women shopping is the worst?! Not after this. Maybe I should have rather titled this "A geek way of shopping" what do you think?

Even though i was hungry, I stayed patient and got myself busy taking pictures as I said, telling him oh how I was going to make his story go public. Tell me do your men shop the same? 

Hope I've made you laugh a little. Have a blessed day and If you still want to know more or like more of my pictures, below is my facebook profile link:

Take care



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