How to get rid of a "Runny Nose"?

This might be a question worth $1 000 000 if you're also a victim of this disease often referred to as "What on earth have I done to deserve this?!"

It's been more than 15 years now that me and my nose are constantly disagreeing on how to cope with:

- Dust
- Temperature changes 
- Moisture
- Pollen
- House Mites
- ...

It's said there are two types of allergies: "non allergic and allergic". Guess what? I have them both. 

Types of Allergies

Wait, let me present the difference to you before we continue:

- If you present an aggravating reaction to smoke for example or your nose respond to hormonal changes then you're a mate of "non allergic" buddies, this one being the most difficult to treat

- If you constantly have hay fever or rhinitis instead, and react to things such as: latex, chemicals... you're suffering from the "allergic" type of runny nose nuisance. Shame! but don't worry that one, you can cope with more easily.

How did I managed to get the jackpot of this illness?

Does it run in my family? Don't ask me, am really confused myself. All I know is that, I grew up with cats and dogs by my side and often slept with my best listener ever "Nanou" the cat. I loved that cat like, he was my little brother.

Maybe pollution in the environment I was could have also been a major factor to get to the point I am today. Well, it's too bad. I have to find my own ways of living with this now and this is what I recommend you try too:


- Avoid diary product (food produced from the milk of mammals) mostly
- Constantly drink hot lemon juice especially in the morning when I often sneeze for 10 times in a row
- Avoid cold beverages of any kind: ice cream, yoghurt, cold drinks... If you are really tempted into drinking or eating them, defrost them as I do in the microwave for few seconds before you ingest them
- In cold seasons, always cover your head particularly day and night
- Avoid smoke and dust the best you can 
- Change your sheets twice to thrice a month if possible
- Ventilate your house every day and keep it clean
- If you have a pet, don't let them take the habit of sleeping in your bed
- Some perfumes, soaps, deodorants... trigger sneezing so learn to distinguish and buy those that won't hurt you
- In case of a runny nose crisis (coupled with flu) don't wait too long before you take antihistamines or steroids because if you do not counter the effects of the virus in your body early, the next days you'll feel like your head wants to blow

However, I would advice you not to depend on drugs but go natural instead and integrate in your alimentation fruits that contains vitamin C: oranges, kiwi, lemon... Also, avoid spicy food that can make worse an existing runny nose.

Finally, as the adequate birthday gift to a friend suffering from a runny nose, please buy them lots and lots of tissues as they are their daily and intimate companion. 

Suffering from a runny nose is not contagious as some might think. Having to sneeze constantly and blow your nose every minute can be very painful at some point and friends or relatives should not turn this into a mocking subject. Just imagine having a flu all year long and I'm sure, you'll stop seeing this sickness as a joke.

To all my mates suffering from this, don't worry you're not alone and if you need more advice from me, you know what to do: leave me a comment or inbox me.

Cover yourself properly and take good care of yourself!

A sneezing partner



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