Chicken Salad Ceasar Recipe

After a long trip back to South Africa, I'm finally back and set to share with all of you this recipe I came to execute myself even though I had to taste one similar in a fast food back in Cameroon.

If you're thinking of making something quick and easy that include some veggies and pieces of chicken, this recipe is appropriate for you!

You may find one of the ingredient as a surprise, but cooking my way is usually not out of a cooking book but according to a different taste I'm looking for in a dish.

What about the ingredients?

For this Ceasar Salad, you'll need these:

- Avocado
- Roman Salad
- Fried Chicken pieces
- Carrots
- Red Cabbage
- Roman tomatoes
- White onions
- White pepper
- Half lemon Juice
- Lemon zest

As for the quantities for a meal of 2 to 3 people, you can have an idea from the picture to your right.

Which of these is then the surprise ingredient? Well, I bought my fried chicken at "Chicken Licken" making me gain much time in the elaboration process. 

I choose this instead of another fried chicken selling fast food because it has less flour on top and beside all I need is just few pieces of chicken fried with salt and just a bit of pepper on top.

Final Result!

Either you present your salad like the picture on top of this article or like the image at your left, (if you're more hungry than i supposedly think hahahaha especially after a long day at work, i would kind of be into a rush to eat too :), feel free to be creative in your own way.

Don't forget to spread a bit of white pepper powder on top when you're done. A low fat mayonnaise is suitable for this as a dressing and as fluid to accompany your meal, a glass of water rather than a cold drink to keep you fit ;)

Who said cooking delicious food was not easy, try me!

Pleasure to blog again, shall be expecting all questions and suggestions in the comment box. 



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