Style for the week! - Part one

Blue Monday!

 Tomorrow is Monday and again, I'll be staring at my closet in search of what to wear to look simple, sexy and beautiful.

The weather is turning windy around here, so scarves and sweater will need to start the show again to avoid me from getting another bronchitis, or cold.

I love blue, it's my favorite color by far and this outfit seems to have been made for me. By the way, let me not omit to mention that I do not own the pictures on this article, just sharing to my readers in a non commercial purpose.

Shall look for something similar than this tomorrow morning and oh how this so ease the time I usually put to find something cool to wear to go out to campus, work, shopping... Do you agree?

What's in for Tuesday?

Let's turn floral.

Tuesday, should be a happy day if you take it easy and add some happy colors. Only that would definitely put a smile on your face and make you glow like your crush was coming your way (hahaha).

How beautiful do you look in this? I bet you'll look fantastic!

Wednesday, Humpday!

A bit of sun and nuance of nude and pink. Would love to visit my baby in this, and take him out to lunch before we both move back to work. 

How do you find the heels? Would you rather go for a black color or ... ?

Thursday this time :)

Green and white, just as refreshing as a morning breeze. Friday is not so far anymore. What do you think is missing? A watch? Sunglasses?

It's Joyful Friday!

Dressed like this, attend a party or visit a friend, relatives to relax and share memorable times. The weekend is just few hours away. Feel pretty and have a lovely weekend.

Did you enjoy this set? Let me know ;)



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