Douala harbour by night

Douala is the largest city in Cameroon and the economic powerhouse

Home to Cameroon's largest port and its major international airport "Douala International Airport", it is the commercial capital of the country. Consequently, it handles most of the country's major exports, such as oil, cocoa and coffee, timber, metals and fruits.


I've spent 11 years of my life in Douala, especially in "Bonanjo" which is a residential area, not about all the crappy pictures that are listed on Google when you mention Douala. I'm still amazed of the fact that Cameroon, is so badly referenced when it comes to areas that are worth to discover. Would you like to see an image of Bonanjo? Here you go:

This is the "Place du Gouvernement", small park area in the centre of Bonanjo and the monument behind is a Memorial to the First World War commemorating French and allied losses in Cameroon campaign against Germany.

Used to walk around here, after school to go to my Dad's office a couple of blocks above. 

The all city needs big improvement though, but there are this kind of place that you could visit when you're in Douala.

The city is located on the banks of the Wouri River, the two sides linked by Bonaberi Bridge. The climate is tropical and some days it can be very very hot am telling you. If you miss sun, come to Douala, you'll be served beyond your expectations :)

What a beautiful sunset!

This image and the first one above where taken by Quazi Ahmed Hussain nicknamed "Sanjeed" when he visited Cameroon in 2010.

You'll agree with me that he did an incredible job while shooting Douala's harbour. In the background you can see Mount Cameroon standing undisturbed.

Do some of you also have some great pictures of Cameroon you would like to share with me? I'll be waiting patiently :)

One more to say bye bye!

Now, this is no more the harbour I'm presenting but a stunning view of Douala at 6 pm. I'm speechless! Great colours, amazing view, lights are just perfects. 

One last thing you should be aware of is that Douala is the 27th most expensive city in the world and the most expensive in Africa, overtaking Lagos, Nigeria at 32nd.

Bring the cash with you and enjoy the real side of Douala and put to shame what media are making the world know. They should sometimes also present the positive instead of poverty here and there don't you think. As busy as this town can be, we can still take a time to make meaningful shots ;)



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