"Oven Grilled Chicken" Home made recipe

"Welcome Home"

There are so many recipes in the world when it comes to grilling chicken breast in the oven. But it takes you and you only to make a recipe special and memorable.

I made this yesterday as a way of saying "Welcome Home". Why? Sometimes as a woman, you need to surprise your partner, boyfriend or even husband not only with a sexy nuisette hehehe, but also with a delicious meal.

In Cameroon which is my home town, it is said :"Man is all about the stomach and the lower abdomen" A woman needs to develop kitchen skills and sexual techniques to keep her man satisfied. Don't ask me how it all started lol, I found the rule and it has been transmitted through generations.

Back to cooking!

As ingredients you'll need:

- Six pieces of chicken breast
- Black pepper
- White pepper
- Rosemary leaves
- White onion
- Roman tomatoes
- Green pepper 
- Half of a lime or lemon
- Garlic
- Salt
- 10 potatoes

Once you've cleaned the chicken, and with your knife made small incisions in the flesh to allow the ingredients to penetrate and make it more tasty,  crush the black and white pepper together without water, either with a blender or a traditional blender like the one on top of the picture at your right.

After that, peal half an onion, 4 to 5 garlics and crush them to have a paste. The next step now will be for you to take a very small amount of rosemary leaves that you'll cut in small pieces. Then spread all five ingredients: white and black pepper, garlic, onion and rosemary unto the pieces of the chicken with your hands and massage them a bit to get them in. Press the juice of half a lemon over the chicken breasts.

When you're done applying them all around, leave those pieces in a tray or pan for about an hour and a half.  You can also put them in the fridge covered of course.

While waiting for the chicken to macerate, peal your potatoes and cut them in julienne pieces. Spread them in the oven tray and add a pinch of salt all over. Cut roman tomatoes in two and also put on top as seen in the picture above.

Tip: Cover the oven tray with an aluminium paper in order for the potatoes not to stick in the cooking process ;)

It's cooking time!

Yeahhh, time to put our yummy chicken to grill ;). Apply a small amount of oil on the grill with your hand before putting on the chicken's breast for them not to stick either. Pre-heat the oven to 150 degrees and 5 mins later put the chicken on top of the potatoes so that all the juice will pour on the potatoes and cook for 30 mins or 40. Don't forget to turn the potatoes from time to time.

As the chicken will be ready before the potatoes, remove it 30 mins later and leave the potatoes to cook for another 10 mins before you turn the oven off. When it will be only remaining 10 mins on your oven clock, add pieces of onion and green pepper as decoration on your potatoes.

It's official, you're a Cook!

Food is ready to be served and this is how your meal look like:

As an entry course, you can create this salad. Don't worry it's really easy to make :)

All you should have for this are shown on this picture. You'll need:

- Roman tomatoes
- Fresh garden peas
- Light meat shredded tuna
- Mayonnaise
- Green pepper
- Onion
- Roman salad
- Pealed cucumber
- Half a lime juice

Just cut all that need to be cut as desired and put them in a bowl. While you'll be eating you may then add mayonnaise in the way and amount that is convenient to you.

Here's a picture of mine:

Feeling hungry? I can still deliver it to you by mail you know hehehehe ;)

I like eating my salad with French loaf bread. What about you? 

For dessert, some plums will do. I do not drink alcoholic beverages so for this I only bought a red grape juice.

Alright. I think i mentioned everything. For any question, just ask below no stress. Shall respond to you as soon as possible. The food was delicious with a little habanero chili to spice it up a bit more. Have a nice try at this.

"Bon Appetit"



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